Necklace "Bull"
Aug 04, 2015
Pregomesh Handmade Accessories is happy to present to you one of our favorites - this handcrafted Bull Necklace. The pendant is made of pure silver and the beads are from black shungite. Shungite has been known among Armenians as a protective mineral that patrons from all the evil forces. Nevertheless, this mineral has been scientifically proven to have healing abilities, only recently.
Now, let’s talk fashion.You can throw the Bull on with a few other Pregomesh Handmade Accessories, to make your casual look fierce. Or put it around your neck with that little black dress of yours that you pull out on evening occasions. It is guaranteed to make your look more elegant.
Why a Bull? In ancient Armenian mythology the Bull was believed to carry the earth on his horns. Therefore, it symbolized power, vigor and strength. Centuries have passed and Armenians started to believe in one God. Nevertheless, they still believed in the power of the Bull. In ancient Armenian history animals have had a major impact and carried different symbolisms. The Lion is a symbol of sound judgement and wisdom, the wolf is believed to be the symbol of loyalty, the frog is a symbol of fertility etc. etc. The Bull was one of the most influential symbolic characters of the Armenian history. Bulls can be found on many murals which depict people who are working hard and making a living for their families. Since then, the significance of the Bull became even greater and the greatest Godly sacrifice to make became the Bull. It was a symbol of hard, honest work, a symbol of devotion and strength that was used only for the good.
Armenians are famously known to be a hard working nation. This trait remained consistent against all odds, throughout thousands of years. The Bull has come to manifest this fact. The fact that Armenians have been a hard working nation since the beginning of their existence. There is nothing more empowering than the honest work of our ancestors. And now, we want this to be a motto for the future generations to live and follow.